Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The "in" of INNER Stress Management

Dictionary- in 'used to indicate motion or direction from outside to a point within'.

INNER- Stressors outside of us are a fact of life. To manage them we can develop our inner mental qualities of Interest, Intention and Inquiry. This is sometimes called having an INNER LIFE.

Interest- interested in what is happening inside of us physically, emotionally and mentally.

Intention- intentional of the attitude we are bring to our response to the unpleasantness.

Inquiry- inquiry into the stressor and the reactions to it, so that it may be understood.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


“Study, Practice & Apply”

The suggestion is that the more the body, heart and mind are understood. The less stress we hold. The 3 aspects of this process are study, practice and understanding.
  1. Study- Reading and listening to talks can provide different intellectual models of practice to consider. With study an INTEREST to practice often occurs.
  2. Practice- The practice of formal meditation and daily mindfulness (remembering to come back into the present moment) allow for the realizations of new understandings to arise.
  3. Apply- With open minded inquiry we gain insight into the true nature of stress and our role in it.

These new understandings lead to INTEREST in further study. Further study leads to more practice. Regular practice leads to more understanding. More understanding = less stress. :-)